Nov. 3, 2020 State Election
The Electors of the Town of Litchfield are hereby warned to meet at their respective polling places in said town on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 for the following purposes: To cast their votes for Presidential and Vice-Presidential electors, Representative in Congress, State Senator, State Representative, and Registrar of Voters.
Notice is hereby given that the location of the polling places is as follows:
Voting District Location of Polling Place
District 1 Litchfield Firehouse Route 202, Litchfield
District 2 Northfield Firehouse 14 Knife Shop Rd., Northfield
District 3 Bantam Borough Hall Route 202, Bantam
District 4 Northfield Firehouse 14 Knife Shop Rd., Northfield
Absentee Ballots will be counted at the following central location:
Voting machines will be used. The polls will be opened at six o’clock in the morning (6:00 a.m.) and will remain open until eight o’clock in the evening (8:00 p.m.).
Dated at Litchfield, Connecticut, this 28th day of October, 2020.
Lisa A. Losee
Town Clerk
Town of Litchfield