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Virtual Public Information Meeting Fern Ave. March 11, 2021

Posted on
February 23, 2021
Town Hall
Join the Zoom meeting HERE on 3/11/2021 at 1:30 pm

Meeting ID: 889 7576 3822
Passcode: 302906

Fern Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation Project #73-195

LITCHFIELD, CONNECTICUT - The Town of Litchfield will conduct a virtual public involvement meeting concerning the proposed Fern Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation on Thursday, March 11, 2021. The meeting will begin at 1:30 pm. Preliminary design has been completed by Litchfield and the project is slated for construction under the Surface Transportation Program overseen by the Connecticut Department of Transportation later in the FY 2021/2022.

It is the Town’s and the State's policy to keep persons informed and involved when such projects are undertaken. It is important that the community share its concerns to assist in the project's development. The Town will conduct a virtual public informational meeting on March 11, 2021 from 1:30 p.m. until 2:30p.m. virtually via Zoom.  Details will be provided before the meeting.

The purpose of the project is the rehabilitation of the first 2,600 linear feet of Fern Avenue North of Route 118 which is substandard in terms of pavement condition creating safety concerns.

Based upon a preliminary assessment, the construction cost will be approximately $ 595,200.

The Federal Highway Administration will provide 80% of the construction cost with the State and Town  providing 10% each. (the local cost sharing percentage may vary by Federal program)

The public informational meeting is being held to afford a full opportunity for public participation and to allow open discussion of any views and comments the community may have concerning this proposed project.

Persons with limited internet access may request that project information is mailed to them by contacting Raz Alexe by email at or by phone at 860-567-7575. (Allow one week for processing and delivery.)There will be a 14-day comment period that follows the meeting, individuals may leave a question or comment via email at or phone at 860-567-7575.Assistance may be requested by contacting or 860-567-7575. Requests should be made at least 5 business days prior to the meeting. Language assistance is provided at no cost to the public and efforts will be made to respond to timely requests for assistance.

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