Sustainable Litchfield
Logo Design Competition
January 2021
The Sustainable Litchfield Committee is offering a $250 prize for a winning logo design that helps to brand our activities here in town. The competition is open to Litchfield residents.
Background: Litchfield is a registered participant in Sustainable CT, a voluntary state-wide certification program that recognizes thriving and resilient Connecticut municipalities. An independently funded, grassroots, municipal effort, Sustainable CT provides a wide-ranging menu of best practices that municipalities choose to act on. As they are implemented, towns earn points toward certification. Litchfield aims to be certified as a sustainable town in 2021.
Sustainable Litchfield Committee Mission Statement: Serve as the steering committee to benefit the health, welfare, and vitality of the Litchfield community by collaborating with partners to achieve SustainableCT certification:
- Identify tools, resources, and actions that allow the town, its residents, and businesses to promote equity, the local economy, arts and creative culture, and respect for the finite capacity of our natural environment;
- Encourage sustainable use of energy and resources by promoting efficiencies, renewable alternatives, and ways to reduce environmental impacts.
Design Guidance & Intended use for the Logo:
Logo design must include the words “Sustainable Litchfield”.
To be included on the Sustainable Litchfield Committee page of the town website.
To be printed on stationery, flyers, shirts, hats, etc.
For the final logo, we would like both full color and black & white applications.
Submission and Deadline:
Submit a JPG or PDF file by March 15, 2021 to Margaret Hunt (
The winning design will be announced in April, 2021.
Final winning design to submit an AI or EPS file & JPGs and PNGs as final file.
For Any Questions Contact:
Margaret Hunt at 860-567-3757 or