Litchfield Planning and Zoning Commission
Notice is hereby given that the Planning and Zoning Commission of Litchfield, Connecticut will hold a public hearing on Monday, February 6, 2023 at 7:00 PM at the Town Hall Annex 80 Doyle Road, Bantam, CT for the following:
I. Municipal Improvements – C.G.S. 8-24 Referrals
1. The Commission may, at its discretion, require submission of a site plan which would comply with the Site Plan Requirements in Section 7.c., “Submission Requirements”, Litchfield Zoning Regulations.
2. The Commission may allow for public comment and/or schedule a public hearing.
3. If a public hearing is held, all notice requirements as set forth in C.G.S. 8-7d must be followed.
4. Following a decision made on the 8-24 referral, a copy of the minutes reflecting the discussion on the referral, as well as the vote, shall be sent to the Board of Selectmen and will constitute the Commission’s report on the referral.
At this hearing, interested persons may appear and be heard and written communication will be received. Copies of the regulations are on file in the Land Use Office of the Town of Litchfield at the Town Hall Annex 80 Doyle Road; Bantam, Connecticut.
Planning and Zoning Commission