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Litchfield's Military Honor Board is getting a new look!

Posted on
October 3, 2022
First Selectman
October 3, 2022


For many years, Litchfield Town Hall has had an Honor Board to recognize all the brave men and women serving in the military who are from Litchfield. It was a wonderful way to show all visiting the town hall how proud our town is of our military.

Then, COVID hit, the Town Hall was closed, and the honor board could not be kept up to date. We put it in storage – until now.

We are very happy to tell you we are in the process of updating the Honor Board. We are asking all who know someone serving from Litchfield to let us know.

Please fill out the form found on the link below. . We would also like a current picture of your loved one and drop off at the town hall or email to the email on the form. There will also be a supply of forms available at the town hall.

We are excited to get this going again. Our troops sacrifice so much to keep us safe. Let’s show them how much we appreciate them.

Leslie Caron