There are 2 important issues that need to be addressed immediately with the residents of Litchfield.
1. In the last 10 days days, the number of positive COVID cases in Litchfield has increased by 10, which reflects over a 10% increase. The cases that have been reported to Torrington Area Health since March 2020 is now 90 in our community. These are just the REPORTED cases and it is believed that there have been many more. Litchfield will be entering the RED ZONE unless we take immediate action NOW. The actions are WEAR A MASK, SOCIALLY DISTANCE, PRACTICE GOOD HYGIENE with frequent handwashing and avoid gathering in large groups, especially as we transition inside with the colder weather approaching. We have a window of 2 weeks before the Thanksgiving Holiday to make a difference, to protect our elderly and vulnerable population, to keep our students in school, continue student athlete participation and keep our local businesses open.
2. The Town of Litchfield is NOT considering the removal of any crosswalks. We have discussed potentially moving a crosswalk, adding more signage and flashing lights. The Town's goal is to create a safer area to protect pedestrians. The Town is in frequent contact with CT DOT to seek remedies and solutions. Our roads both state and local, are areas of concern that need to be addressed. I have received many calls, emails and letters regarding the speed of traffic, the amount of traffic and the safety of crosswalks, especially since last Monday's accident in the crosswalk in front of Center School. This issue will be on the agenda at the upcoming Board of Selectmen's Meeting November 17, 2020 which will be conducted via ZOOM. I welcome the public's attendance to provide comments and personal experiences. I will propose the assembly of a COMMUNITY ACTION GROUP to work on this issue and support it as a top priority for the town. The Agenda and ZOOM link will be posted by Friday, November 13th on the Town's Website and the Town of Litchfield CT FB page.
As always, please feel free to contact the First Selectman's Office at (860) 567-7550 or via email at with questions or concerns.
Be well, Be Safe