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First Selectman's Everbridge Message from March 30, 2020

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March 30, 2020
Town Hall

Read the message below from First Selectman Denise Raap. 

I have been informed by the Torrington Area Health District that there are 3 confirmed cases of COVID 19 in Litchfield. However, Torrington Area Health says we can assume that there are actually more cases than that. Establishments still open to the public should step up their cleaning and sanitization procedures in accordance with CDC guidelines and takes measures to ensure adequate social distancing of persons inside the establishment wherever possible. 

In order to slow the spread of COVID 19 and prevent our hospitals from becoming overwhelmed, it is imperative that we all stay home whenever possible and avoid travelling locally or outside of town unless absolutely necessary. We must all continue the practice of staying home and staying safe for as long as public health authorities determine it is necessary, which could be several more weeks. We must all also continue to rigorously follow social distancing, hand washing and other sanitization guidelines for the duration of this emergency. 

There have been some instances locally of people congregating in groups for purposes such as playing basketball. This type of activity must cease immediately to protect the health of those involved in these activities, as well as the health of others they may be around including their own family members. 

If you must get out of the house for a while to a take walk, please remember that being outdoors still requires that you stay a safe distance from others at all times. A safe distance is at least 6 feet. 

Residents who may become ill, or who may have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID, as well as all persons arriving from outside of Litchfield, especially places like New York, Fairfield County and other areas where COVID 19 is prevalent, are requested to self-quarantine for a period of two weeks. Self-quarantine means not leaving home at all except to receive medical treatment. Anyone in self quarantine who cannot make arrangements through family, friends or neighbors to have food delivered can call 860-567- 7567 to arrange for delivery by a volunteer. Litchfield residents over 65 or with underlying health conditions can also call this number for grocery delivery if other arrangements cannot be made. Again, that number is 860-567-7567. 

CVS pharmacy is offering free home delivery of prescription drugs and residents are strongly urged to take advantage of this service. Walgreens is in the process of establishing a home delivery service which will be hopefully be available soon. 

I will be making periodic communications over this system throughout the duration of this emergency. Please encourage your friends and neighbors to sign up for Everbridge by visiting our town website 

I thank you for listening to this message and for your cooperation in containing the effects of COVID 19 in our community. We will overcome this challenge by working together each and every day and by following Governor Lamont’s request to “stay home and stay safe.”