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End of Year letter from our First Selectman

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December 30, 2021
First Selectman
Letter from the Litchfield First Selectman
Throughout these past two years, it has been my pleasure to serve this community as your First Selectman. Although the challenges of COVID-19 outbreaks and variants continue to be an ongoing concern, I am proud of this community’s steadfast resolve to keep each other safe. As our businesses have learned to adapt to the new demands that have presented themselves, the community has embraced them and supported their economic recovery. 

 We have welcomed many new residents that have discovered Litchfield as their home. Town employees have met the demands of increased activity with building and zoning permits, ongoing town road and bridge maintenance and improvement projects, increased and enhanced recreational opportunities and an expanded social service outreach. We have worked hard to combat the negative impacts of social isolation and mental health degradation. 
Our volunteer boards and commissions have spent over a year meeting via Zoom in order to continue their important work, transitioning back to in-person meetings in a safe and responsible manner. 
I am grateful to all of our volunteers that spend hours serving this community. I am especially proud of our Firefighters and Ambulance Crews that dedicate their time to required continued education and training, as well as responding to emergency calls at all hours of the day or night. All types of calls: car accidents, fire and medical calls, water emergencies, power outages, downed wires and trees, no matter the emergency, they show up.  Thank you. 
I am equally proud of our veterans and active duty servicemen and women and the organizations that support them. In our community, there are monthly recognition ceremonies, ongoing fundraisers and heightened awareness of the needs of this population. We honor you and the Town of Litchfield will continue to support your well-being and recognition. 
We have many reasons to celebrate and find joy in the simple pleasures of living in a small town. I look forward to the opportunities that this next year holds. To spend time with each of you, promoting and highlighting the traditions and celebrations that Litchfield has honored for over 300 years. Each day, I have renewed excitement for the work and challenges that lie ahead and will continue to serve you to the best of my ability. Happy New Year 2022!