Do you have any ideas on how we can Reduce Trash in our Town?

Posted on
August 2, 2022
First Selectman
Yesterday, Litchfield First Selectman Denise Raap joined Mayor Ben Florsheim, of Middletown, as the Co Chair of the 
“Increase Recycling Working Group”. A statewide initiative to discuss how to increase Recycling efforts in our state and also to share ideas on how to spend the revenue that most towns have received from the “Nipper Bill”. 
Last October, the legislature passed a bill that charged an extra 5 cents per miniature “Nipper” sold. Litchfield received $2514 from 6 months of sales! Every 6 months, Litchfield will expect to receive a check directly from the liquor wholesalers to be used toward zero waste initiatives. 

Our SMART (Save Money and Reduce Trash) Task Force is using this revenue to educate our residents and businesses on strategies to reduce trash but to also increase Food Waste Diversion through Composting, either at home or at our Recycling Center. 

Do you have any ideas on how we can Reduce Trash in our Town? Email me: