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Borough of Bantam Leadership!

Posted on
March 12, 2021
Town Hall
Borough of Bantam Leadership! 

The Borough of Bantam’s Warden and the chairs of Planning & Zoning Commission (P&Z) and Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA), have all served many decades. They would like to step down. The Warden is willing to stay on another year, if a person volunteers to be mentored in that role. The boards also need new members, both full and alternate.

If you are a Borough resident with a deep knowledge of Bantam, please volunteer to help lead the Borough. 

Why do we want to keep the Borough of Bantam?

·      Bantam has always been the entrepreneurial and artistic part of Litchfield.
·      The members of Borough of Bantam’s P&Z and ZBA respect the integrity of the Borough’s residential and entrepreneurial communities. 

What is at stake? The Borough could become extinct.

Visit meetings at Bantam Borough Hall, and see how to bring your talents to the table. 

Planning & Zoning: Monthly, 1st Tuesday, 7:30 pm. 

Zoning Board of Appeals: Alternate months, 2nd Thursday, 7:00 pm, if there is an agenda item. 

Warden and Burgesses: 7:30 pm. Monthly, 2nd Wednesday 

An election is to be held this spring for the Bantam Warden and Burgesses. We need new names on the ballot. You can become a member P&Z and ZBA at any time. 

Borough of Bantam residents, 
Carol Powers and Anne Haas